The girl can be seen creating a swift turn around an aisle, then leans toward the corner as she waits for any shopper ahead of her to exit the section. Seizing her moment of brief privacy, she drops her pants and shits a foul mess on the floor before she leaves the scene.

The disturbing footage is becoming an online hit!
A compassionate commenter on LiveLeak offers this observation on what happened:
“The only explanation is that she's been fucked so often in her ass and damged her anus muscle. So its either shitting at the super market or shitting in her own panties.”
And another commenter observes:
“I won’t judge unless I hear the entire story. I’ve literally experienced the same situation, though within an alley and not in a retail center. Sometimes you need to fucking go like no tomorrow, and the only choice is to shit yourself or look for a quiet spot and let er rip. I made my decision and i’m pleased with it. On the other hand, she could just be fucking nuts, or maybe she gets off on it.”